SURELY the Hereford Times was right to try to get the Environment Agency to comment on Farmer Price’s destruction of part of the river Lugg.

Pity it has still not taken the bait, leaving us with no clear answers. What it has done is provoke a lot of people, living nowhere near Herefordshire, to put in their two pennyworth, all in favour of the farmer. The same thing happened when he was first sent to jail.


Call me suspicious but it almost looks like an organised campaign. Perhaps they are members of Dredge, Environment Agency, Dredge (DEAD).

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

One of your latest correspondents, from the vantage point of Morecambe, believes, despite the deaths of water voles (an endangered species) and frogs, the river is recovering (Letters, July 25). I doubt that he has actually visited the site. I certainly haven’t, but the latest photos in the Hereford Times do not show a great deal of recovery.

The Environment Agency should get out more and make Price start putting things right, as I believe he was required to do by the court.

