A Herefordshire dog kennelling and training business which boasts celebrity clients plans to expand its facilities.

Ben and Nikki Randall of Ledbury Lodge Kennels near Canon Frome northwest of Ledbury have applied (number 241838) to put up a new building to enable dogs to be trained indoors while also providing hospitality to customers.

These number in the thousands and have included celebrities including Gordon Ramsay and the Beckhams, the kennels’ website says.


Of brick and timber cladding with a dark metal roof on which solar panels would be mounted, the single-storey building “will not result in any increase in numbers of dogs cared for, number of training sessions offered, number of clients coming to the site, or number of vehicle movements”, according to the application.

Rather, it “will allow for a higher-quality training facility for the existing scale of the business”.


The 36-by-15-metre building would be within the same one-hectare site as the applicants’ home and existing kennels. Sewage would be treated by a nearby package treatment plant.

Visitors would use the existing road access nearby, and eight parking spaces, paved in permeable material, would be created alongside the new building.

Comments on the application can be made until August 30.