THE number of fines issued by Herefordshire Council for people not picking up their dog's poo has been revealed, as well as the number of complaints over the last two years.

The council received 242 complaints of dog poo being left in public places between 2022 and 2024.

This was made up of 162 complaints in 2022-2023 and then a further 80 complaints in 2023-2024.

But the council issued only five fines for the offence of dog fouling over the whole two-year period.

Off the back of this data, we asked our readers the worst streets in Hereford for dog poo, and they delivered in sharing several streets.

Two readers said St Owen Street was bad for dog poo, while other areas highlighted included Walnut Tree Avenue and Whittern Way.

The dog fouling data comes from Vitasure, a dog supplement company, which ranked Herefordshire 121st out of all councils in the country for dog poo complaints.


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The fixed penalty notices for dog fouling are £80. 

According to Keep Britain Tidy, which was responsible for the "There's no such thing as the dog poo fairy" campaign, being unaware that your dog has pooed or not having a bag to pick it up in are not reasonable excuses in law.

A scheme was signed off a year ago to recruit a private firm to enforce laws on dog fouling in Herefordshire, but the council later revealed it was never acted on.