A WARNING has been issued after a woman died after falling from her bed at a Herefordshire hospital.

Herefordshire coroner Mark Bricknell has issued a prevention of future deaths report after an inquest held in July concluded that Rita Howells had died an accidental death.

Ms Howells had been transferred to Bromyard's community hospital for rehab and discharge planning on March 6 last year, Mr Bricknell said. 

But after becoming confused and agitated around 10 days later, she was found to have a low-grade fever and a raised c-reactive protein level, a liver protein which increases when there is inflammation in the body.


Ms Howells was treated with antibiotics for a possible urine or chest infection and a CT scan of her head was requested as she had fallen from a bed while on the ward.

The report said Ms Howells generally used a call bell but it was found not to be working on the day she fell.

The CT scan, which was carried out on March 23, 2023, shows Ms Howells had "acute cerebral haemorrhagic contusions" on the brain. She was transferred to accident and emergency that day and, after discussion with the neurosurgical team, it was decided that this should be treated conservatively.

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She was given palliative care after further deterioration and discussion with the family, and later died, with her cause of death listed as an intracerebral haemorrhage.

The coroner's report said the evidence given during the inquest had revealed matters giving rise to concern and that he believes there is a risk that future deaths will occur unless action is taken.

Mr Bricknell's concerns were that bed rails are routinely erected before falls assessments, contrary to policy as advised, and that the procedures to establish whether a call bell is working are unsatisfactory.

The report has been sent to the chief coroner and the hospital chief executive, who must respond with details of action taken or proposed to be taken and setting out the timetable for this action, or why no action is proposed, by September 13.