HEREFORDSHIRE meadows will be restored as a nature reserve thanks to a much-needed grant.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust has been awarded a £243,129 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, alongside £30,000 funding from Welsh Water, to restore Bartonsham Meadows, just south of Hereford city centre, and create a thriving nature reserve.

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Much of the site will be restored as essential floodplain meadow habitat through harvesting hay, grazing livestock and introducing wildflower and grass seed. A large portion will also be left to develop and regenerate naturally, further benefitting the natural environment and creating new habitats.


Project staff will work with local schools and community groups including the Friends of Bartonsham Meadows, as well as offering opportunities to volunteers, ensuring locals are welcomed to the reserve.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s project manager David Hutton said, “It’s great to be starting this project and working with local people who have worked so hard to make this happen. We have already seen a great deal of new species taking up residence and hope to create space for more in future.”

Gemma Williams, ecology and biodiversity advisor at Welsh Water, said: “Supporting the floodplain meadow through Welsh Water’s environment fund is exactly what it was set up to do – enhancing biodiversity, nature and communities across our operating area.”