IT’S a shame that this nonsense keeps being aired (Letters, July 11).

Kingsland farmer John Price’s actions were short-sighted and with impunity, ill-informed, ill-timed, illegal; a testament to the poor land management many so-called ‘stewards of the land’, aka farmers, have wrought on the working countryside.


What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The arrogance of ‘better knowledge’ is jaw-dropping.

I speak as a retired livestock farmer of the county for several decades, with a tributary of the Wye running within 30m of my home.

There are many better examples of how to sensitively manage watercourses, practised for millennia, which do not put other properties at risk, that benefit biodiversity and demonstrate a holistic approach to water and flood-risk management.


Hope Under Dinmore