A couple have been told they can go ahead with their micro-brewery plan in a scenic Herefordshire spot.

The brick barn at Crumpton Oaks, Storridge within the Malvern Hills National Landscape had already been used as a farm shop and off-licence with full premises licence.

“The shop has just ceased trading and we have taken on the property,” according to the planning application by Miles and Emily Stephens, who previously ran a brewery in rural Surrey.


They were seeking permission for The Night Owl Brewery within the open-plan barn, “whilst retaining a small farm shop element” where the beer would be sold as off-sales or to be drunk on-site, “making use of the space and attractive surroundings”.

The indoor “tap space” was to consist of a bar, four tables with benches, and a further standing and seating area.

As a community farm shop, the barn has already held regular events, and had previously been used as a cider tap room – a use “not dissimilar to what we have planned”, their application said.

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“We do not seek to expand the brewing operation, but keep it small, artisan and niche, handcrafting traditional real ales, to sell alongside other artisan products in our bottle shop,” the couple explained.

The building itself was to remain unchanged.

In a letter addressing concerns raised by neighbours, including over late-night noise and lighting, the couple said they proposed opening only between 11am and 6pm Wednesdays to Saturdays, with Saturdays “our main day for customers”.


The only lighting would be between last light and closing time in winter, “to allow customers to find us, and to add a slight low glow aesthetic to the front elevation”, they clarified.

During this time, “we would perhaps look to cover the terrace pergola side with some sort of mini green marquee to keep visitors dry, and perhaps an electric outdoor pub-type heater to keep them warm”, they added.

Granting approval, planning officer Maria Philpott imposed conditions that any external lighting or marquee would have to be approved separately, that outdoor seating be limited to 30 people, and that opening hours be kept to those proposed by the couple.