A HEREFORDSHIRE hotel is selling invisible chips... but all is not necessarily as it seems.

Portions of invisible chips bought by generous diners at The Feathers in Ledbury have helped hotel owners, The Coaching Inn Group, raise thousands of pounds for Hospitality Action.


Diners choosing the ‘dish’ are making a £2 donation to the catering industry charity, which supports those working in the hotel and catering industry in times of need.

The group, which owns thirty-five hotels and inns across the country has so far this year raised a total of £7,390 from donations made by big-hearted diners.

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Chief operating officer Adam Charity said the group’s whole ethos was based around providing ‘hospitality from the heart’ for all the market town communities it served.

“So, thanks to our core base of generous-hearted community customers and our many hotel guests we have now been able to donate more than £35,000 to Hospitality Action over the past four years,” he said.

Founded back in 1837 the charity offers time of need support to all those working in hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes, schools, hospitals, or event venues.