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A FARM worker from Hereford who failed to complete an alcohol abstinence requirement of a community order has been back up before magistrates.

Rokas Bielskis admitted one count of failing to comply with the requirements of a community order when he appeared before Hereford magistrates this month.

The court heard that 40-year-old Bielskis, of Ferndale Road, Hereford, had been handed the order by magistrates in Hereford in June this year after he was convicted of failing to provide a specimen for analysis as a vehicle driver when he was caught behind the wheel of a Mercedes while intoxicated.


He had refused to provide a breath sample for police when they stopped him in Whitecross Road.

At his court appearance on June 12 he was told to abstain from alcohol for 60 days, but he was found to have breached this requirement just 10 days later on June 22 and 25.

Magistrates said Bielskis must now pay court costs of £60 and complete up to 10 days of rehabilitation activities, as well as unpaid work.