I WELCOME Herefordshire Council’s decision to withdraw the two planning applications to convert into ‘sleeper pods’, the public conveniences in Hereford’s Union Street and East Street.

Such accommodation for the destitute, often individuals with complex, challenging needs and requiring emotional help and support is not acceptable – a view shared by others who also wrote letters of objection. So, thank you council officers/ councillors for cancelling your original proposal.

There is an urgent need to increase the number of social/ affordable/shared ownership homes being built, not just in Herefordshire, but nationally.

The recent King’s Speech set out new targets for planning authorities and proposals to amend the planning system and the National Planning Policy Framework to speed up decision making.


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You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

It was in March 2015 that it was first proposed to build housing on the former tile works, a brown field site in Holmer.

Outline planning permission to build 120 homes was given in August 2018, with no provision for social housing.

The site was acquired by Stonewater Housing Association in 2020, with Ilke Homes managing the building of modular factory-built homes supplied by their North Yorkshire base. The project received full planning approval in November 2020.

The first of the factory-built flat roofed homes was craned into place in July 2022.

In early 2023, planning approval was given to add a traditional pitched roof (this work is currently under way). In June 2023, Ilke Homes entered administration, meaning work on site was suspended until quite recently.

The well cared-for Aylestone Park is adjacent. What a super recreational facility for young families who next year will be moving into these affordable rent and shared ownership homes.

Ten years from start to completion? It occurs to me that the time period could have been halved, had Stonewater been involved from the start.