WHILE the rest of Britain was angrily rioting, Hereford is a riot of colour.

Walking down Broad Street last Sunday one could not fail to be struck by the kaleidoscopic hanging baskets and vibrant planters. 

I wandered into the Cathedral during Even Song and was seduced by the soaring voices of the visiting Nottingham Church Choir. 

Many of us go to far flung places for spiritual enlightenment. 

But, as quite a few other tourists who wandered into the Cathedral found on that Sunday afternoon, sitting in quiet contemplation whilst rapt in the sonorous security of the moment, in our home made “world wonder”, is a mindful reboot. 

Perhaps rather than the very expensive and, arguably, counter productive policy of sending rioters to jail they spend a Sunday afternoon in Hereford. 


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Here they could clear their minds of anger and then listen to the transformative words of our Harley Davidson riding “Hells Angel” styled Bishop Richard Jackson.