This is a talking point published by the Hereford Times on August 29.

Ben Lea, manager at Close House Projects

"Fun and laughter on our summer holiday, no more worries for me or you," sang Cliff Richard in his famous song.

The holidays can be wonderful for the families who have the means to make that happen, but summer can also be really hard on families who can’t make their kids’ “dreams come true”.

Without the routine and structure of school, the six weeks stretch out; boredom and loneliness bring cabin fever, appetites can’t be satisfied, and dreams fade into disappointment.

As parents try to juggle jobs with keeping their families healthy, safe and entertained, it becomes glaringly obvious that there is a vacuum of support and activity in Hereford.

Nobody can afford to utilise sports camps or expensive leisure centres every day, and even the rivers and fields are dirty or dangerous.

Summers shouldn’t feel like we’re struggling through; making ends meet whilst counting the days to get back to school.

Childhood memories should be infused with possibility and adventure, growing in new directions, meeting new people and fuelling dreams.


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That’s why at Close House we go all out on our summer program. We try to show young people the excitement that Hereford has to offer, and help them make new friends to journey with.

We’re grateful to the community of Hereford who have helped us make some young worlds a little bit bigger and brighter: the Core, the Matrix, Flip Out, Bishops Meadows Community Sports and Combat Academy for awesome activities; Dermot Clarke (illustration), Rural Media (video), Bym Welthy (drums), Alex Griffiths (circus skills) and Cup Ceramics (pottery) for crafty times; Revive Café, 2 Bridges, Wagamama, Leaven Pizza and the Beefy Boys for delicious food experiences; and CMD coaches for taking us to Ninja Warrior in Gloucester, Wake the Tiger Amazement Park in Bristol, and Porthcawl Beach.

For the 60 teens who’ve joined us this summer, we’ve hopefully kept dreams alive, or sown seeds of new ones.