A bid to ensure a Hereford centre founded by a former serviceman can continue in use has come under fire.

Ben Garwood is seeking retrospective permission (application 240030) for the continued use of unit 11C of Thorn Business Park, Rotherwas, as “a veteran and community fitness, rehabilitation and training centre”.

Mr Garwood earlier founded the HR4K business at unit 12A opposite, as a “storage, distribution and veteran rehabilitation centre”, before taking on the lease of the newly built unit 11C last summer, naming it Ground Hammer.


He said that with the support of specialist charity Reorg, this now “predominantly looks after veterans and supports the welfare (of) serving soldiers and dependants”, as well as hosting events for local farmers and students.

In May, Herefordshire Council planning officer Ollie Jones told Mr Garwood’s agent Russell Pryce that the application was counter to the new building’s planning permission, which limited it to employment uses, and that to change this would be against council policy.

Mr Pryce hit back that the “mixed use” of the unit, coupled with its “unique requirements” and “wider community and public benefits… warrant an approval of the development”, even if this meant “a departure from policy”.

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But one respondent to the application, Alex Prosser, claimed “U-turns and multiple inaccuracies” in Mr Garwood’s application were “quite staggering”.

“Ground Hammer Training Centre is nothing more than a mainstream martial arts and fitness gym,” he said, adding that to permit it would be “to the disadvantage of other local business owners in the sports and fitness industry”.

Similarly, Dave Coles said that the subsequent submission from Mr Garwood’s agent “throws in a few buzzwords… in an attempt to get their application approved under the pretence of it being something other than what it actually is, a martial arts club and fitness gym”.


But there have been many more submissions of support for Ground Hammer. Lottie Davies said the gym is “a great outlet for friendships and training” and “has been a lifeline for me”.

And Simon Thompson said the Jiu-Jitsu and fitness classes “offer unparalleled support to members of the armed forces, as well as guiding Hereford locals”.

The application was due to be determined by the end of April but has yet to be decided on.