A HEREFORDSHIRE town will be getting new public toilets after months of closure for its only facilities.

Bromyard's Tenbury Road public toilets have been out of action for some considerable time after they were closed in 2023 due to various issues, including a blockage that was later discovered to be a roof tile wedged in a drainage pipe.


Portaloos have been in place next to the defunct toilet block in the Tenbury Road car park since the closure.

There are no other public toilet facilities available in the town.

Earlier this year, minutes from the town's properties committee revealed that members had considered three quotations for architectural services for the renewal of the toilets.

After consideration of quotations and taking into account experience in other toilet designs, it was resolved to accept the quotation from IJW Design and Consulting at a cost of £1,150, the minutes said.

And now newly published draft minutes from a recent full council meeting have brought a further update on the saga.

The draft minutes from Bromyard Town Council said members had considered a recommendation from the working group tasked with overseeing the toilet project regarding a proposed design for upgrading the town's loos.

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"The new design aims to improve accessibility, update the appearance, and create a more pleasant user experience," the minutes said.

"The working group seeks approval to proceed with the proposed design and initiate the tender process to select a construction contractor."

Members reviewed and approved the proposed public toilet design and resolved to authorise the commencement of the tender process for construction works.

A notice published on the town council website in August says Bromyard and Winslow Town Council is now seeking a contractor to carry out the total refurbishment of the toilets.

"The tender will be advertised shortly, if you wish to be notified as soon as the tender documents are available then please register your interest by emailing the properties officer, Deborah Berry – deborah.berry@bromyardandwinslow-tc.gov.uk," the notice said.