Herefordshire Council sent over 4,000 debts to bailiffs in 2022 to 2023, it has been revealed.

Newly released figures from National Debtline and the Centre for Social Justice have revealed that Herefordshire Council referred 4,370 debts to bailiffs over the period.


Following the staggering figures, the  Money Advice Trust has said it is prompting renewed calls for improvements to be made to the council’s debt collection practices.

The trust has said that National Debtline, the free debt advice service run by charity the Money Advice Trust, has written to the leader of Herefordshire Council urging the council to commit to improving the way it collects council tax arrears and other debts.

The information was revealed in response to a freedom of information request.

Across England and Wales, 2.71 million debts were referred to bailiffs by councils during 2022/23, only slightly higher than pre-pandemic levels of 2.65 million in 2018/19.

Steve Vaid, chief executive of the Money Advice Trust, the charity that runs National Debtline, said: “Local authorities remain under significant financial pressure and council tax plays a crucial role in funding vital local services.

“Facing bailiff action, however, can be a distressing experience and risks pushing people already struggling into deeper financial difficulty. Bailiffs should only ever be used as a last resort.

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“Unfortunately Herefordshire Council's use of bailiffs remains high.  Improving debt collection practices benefits not just people in financial difficulty, but councils too.  We have written to the leader to set out simple steps they can take to improve the way the council collects the debts it is owed.

“We are also calling on the new government to support Herefordshire Council and other councils by introducing ring-fenced funding to enable all local authorities to provide 100 per cent council tax support to households on the lowest incomes.

“I would urge anyone in Herefordshire struggling with their finances to get in touch with National Debtline as soon as possible. Our expert advisers provide free, impartial support and can help residents make a plan whatever their circumstances.”

A spokesperson for Herefordshire Council said: "Any referral to an enforcement agent for Council Tax arrears is only ever used as a last resort after we have exhausted all other avenues to collect the unpaid Council Tax.

"These avenues include issuing reminders when a payment has been missed, contacting customers to make repayment arrangements, deductions from earnings or benefits and also ensuring customers have claimed any benefits they may be entitled to which may reduce the amount they owe."

The council offers 100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme to people on low incomes. Further information about this can be found at

There are also Council Tax discounts and exemptions available. More information on these can be found at  

There is also a Council Tax discretionary hardship scheme for people who are facing temporary severe financial hardship. Details of this can be found at