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A HEREFORDSHIRE father and son were "upset and worried" as police pulled them over on their way home and demanded a drug test.

The incident happened on July 1 in John Abel Close, Leominster, when Simon Douglas, 45, was driving home with his autistic son in the car. He was stopped by police and asked to complete a drug wipe test, Hereford Magistrates' Court heard earlier this month.

Officers said they were "suspicious" of Mr Douglas and that his pupils were enlarged.

"I was five doors away from home with my autistic son in the car when I was pulled over," said Mr Douglas. "He is 25 but has the mental age of an 18-month-old. He is non-verbal.

"I can't deny refusing to do the test at the roadside because I did.

"But my boy thought we were going home and didn't understand. If he left the car, he's got no road sense, and I didn't know how the police would be with him."


He was arrested and taken to the police station, with his partner coming to collect their son. Mr Douglas offered to complete the test while he was in custody, and pleaded guilty to one count of failing to co-operate with a preliminary test at his first court appearance.

Handing Mr Douglas a six-month conditional discharge for the offence, magistrates said: "We're sorry that your son was upset and the whole matter was worrying for you."

He was given four penalty points on his driving licence and told to pay a victim surcharge of £26 and court costs of £85.