A plan to turn part of a building in the heart of Hereford into a flat has been dropped following safety and heritage concerns.

Mr R Nash had sought planning permission to convert the rear ground floor of 25 Bridge Street, by the city’s Old Bridge, currently classed as business accommodation.

Dating from the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the row of buildings at the prominent city spot is grade II listed, meaning the plan also needed listed building consent.


The building is “susceptible to a high possibility of flooding” from the adjacent river Wye, his application acknowledged – though it “has no recorded history of previous flooding”.

The fact that the flat would have a bedroom on the ground floor in such an area was among concerns raised in the planning consultation.

In response, Mr Nash’s agent submitted revised plans for the scheme including moving the bedroom from the ground to the first floor, which would then be partitioned with the existing upstairs flat.


But building conservation officer Debra Lewis considered that plans to subdivide the staircase, raise the floor and other retrofit measures would “harm the significance” of the listed building.

And though the Environment Agency welcomed moving the bedroom, it still had concerns that the proposed ground floor levels were low relative to the area’s flood risk.

According to planning officer Josh Bailey, “At the request of the applicant, this application has been withdrawn pending submission of alternative proposal in due course.”