A HEREFORDSHIRE farmer and three vets are preparing to cycle 95 miles in one day to raise money for a local farming charity.

The team is made up of farmer Mervyn Thomas from Abbeydore, retired vet and golf club captain Bill Main and two directors of Belmont Farm and Equine Vets, Matthew Pugh and Andrew Cooke.

They are raising money for the charity We Are Farming Minds by cycling from Hereford to Aberystwyth on September 18, in a challenge organised by Mr Main and Herefordshire Golf Club. The club has already raised £9,000 for the charity through an online auction, raffles and charity competitions, with their "over the hills" challenge exceeding their target of £2,000 on Just Giving

Donations are still being taken, with 68 supporters having so far sent their well wishes to the team via Just Giving.

We Are Farming Minds is a Herefordshire-based charity that supports farmers with their mental health and combats isolation in rural communities.

Mr Main, who is organising the event as part of his golf club captaincy, said: "As a retired veterinary surgeon I wanted to choose a charity involved with the farming community, so have chosen We Are Farming Minds.

"I am going to be joined by two current vets at Belmont Farm and Equine, Matthew Pugh and Andrew Cooke, also Mervyn Thomas, a local farmer. 

"This charity is dear to all our hearts as we have all known people in the farming and veterinary community that have struggled with their mental health, and want to support the work of this great charity."

Mr Thomas said that, as the oldest of the group at 74, the cycle will be the biggest challenge for him.

He is partially sighted and said parts of the ride "may be a bit hairy" but he is determined to get to the end.

The group previously faced a delay in completing the challenge, which they originally planned for earlier this year. The plans were thwarted and the cycle pushed back after Mr Thomas was kicked in the chest by one of his bulls, breaking several ribs and leaving him unable to cycle.

Now recovered from his injuries, Mr Thomas is ready to take on the 95-mile journey, with the group emphasising that there will be no electric bikes.

You can donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/page/bill-main-1723906196704

Many good luck messages have been posted on the Just Giving page by supporters, with David Harrison donating £20 and writing "Great effort guys, hope the weather is kind" and Mike and Sally Price giving £30 with the message: "Best of luck! Enjoy."

Donating £15, Mark Davies wrote: "I have great memories of Aberystwyth. Hope the weather pays its respect. And enjoy the ride."

Annette and Mark Lacey gave £20 with the message: "Good luck and a great charity to be supporting."

Some of the largest donations so far have been £100 contributions from Margaret Black and Phil and Ali Adams.


We Are Farming Minds was founded by farming couple Sam and Emily Stables, and was inspired by their own personal experience and journey to overcome the stigma and lack of support for mental health in the farming community.

Support on offer for farmers through the charity includes a 24-hour support line, funding for professional counselling, free mental health training, resources and advice, social events and a befriending service.

It is a registered charity, with its base at Kings Pitt Farm in Kingsthorne, and more information can be found at wearefarmingminds.co.uk