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A STUDENT made a "stupid mistake" while on a night out in Hereford by crashing a friend's car without a licence or insurance.

Hereford Magistrates' Court heard how Brandon Bailey went out in Hereford with some friends on April 1.

His friend had driven them to the city in his father's car and as Bailey was only 17 at the time, he was given the keys to wait in the car while his friends enjoyed pubs and clubs.

But Bailey's defence solicitor said that "the devil made work for idle hands" and Mr Bailey decided to drive the Suzuki car around the Bath Street car park, despite not having a licence or third-party insurance.

The court heard from prosecutor Thomas Wickstead that Bailey failed to pay due care and attention and crashed into a black BMW in the car park. Damage was caused to both the Suzuki and the BMW. 

Bailey, now aged 18, is a college student studying mechanical and automotive engineering, and works at a pub part-time.

"Bailey has shown maturity by leaving his details on the other vehicle," the court heard in mitigation. "The other driver would probably have never known it was him if he hadn't done this."

Bailey described his actions as "simply stupid" and was said to be "mortified" to be before magistrates.


His solicitor said: "Mr Bailey is a man of good character and was 17 at the time. It was a young boy who did something rather foolish and will regret it for some time to come."

Bailey has already paid his friend's father for the damage to the Suzuki, with the BMW driver's insurance agreeing to pay out after the crash.

At the hearing earlier this month, magistrates handed Bailey, of Parc y Castell, Builth Wells, a 12-month community order with 120 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay a £114 victim surcharge and court costs of £85. He has been disqualified from driving for 12 months.