This is a talking point published in the Hereford Times on September 12.

David Hitchiner, deputy leader, Independents for Herefordshire

AT the General Election back in July more than two thirds of all votes cast in Herefordshire were for change after many years of Conservative austerity and their determination to force Herefordshire to look like everywhere else.

It is therefore deeply disappointing that since May 2023, the Liberal Democrats have chosen to prop up a minority Conservative administration at county level, rather than work with more progressive councillors to take Herefordshire forward.

While we all wait for the Liberals to recognise that their supporters don’t expect to ‘Vote Liberal, and Get Tory’, we and our Green Group colleagues are concentrating on fulfilling the role of a strong and effective opposition.

Oppositional challenge helps to deliver meaningful scrutiny of those in power, providing a check on the abuse of that power and improving the quality of overall decision making.

Given this, it was doubly disappointing that in May two of the county’s most experienced and respected Councillors were removed from their Scrutiny Committee posts in a deal done behind the scenes with the Tories to put Liberal Democrats in these chairs. Since when no meaningful scrutiny has taken place – which was, perhaps, the intention.

How cheering, then, that within eight weeks of being unseated from her scrutiny chair, Ellie Chowns overturned Sir Bill Wiggin’s 23,000 2019 majority by more than 6,000 votes to become North Herefordshire’s first non-Tory MP in over 100 years.


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This, in stark contrast to the embarrassing poor performance by the Liberal Democrats, who, despite all their huffing and puffing, secured only seven per cent of the vote.

So, our heartfelt congratulations go to Ellie Chowns. Our hard-working, intelligent and articulate MP, who knows how the council works, and who knows how to work positively with the council to get the best for the residents.

Meanwhile, as the Independents for Herefordshire we will continue to work hard in opposition, whilst working positively with progressive, like-minded councillors to prepare for administration.