THE Care Quality Commission (CQC) is investigating an incident at a Herefordshire care home in which a resident sustained a serious injury.

The CQC said Ganarew House Care Home, on the Herefordshire border between Ross-on-Wye and Monmouth, is subject to an investigation as to whether regulatory action should be taken against the home.

But a recently published report based on an inspection of the home in May rated it "good" overall and said the incident, which occurred in June 2021, had been learnt from.

The inspector wrote: "The registered manager and staff team had taken action to reduce the risk of a similar incident occurring again in the future and no safety concerns were found during this assessment.

"The manager and staff learnt from incidents and accidents and had a positive culture of safety based on openness and honesty."

The report did not go into further detail of the 2021 incident, but said that it was "subject to further investigation by CQC".

The registered manager, Julie Simons, said: "The incident referred to was historic and occurred in June 2021. CQC chose not to inspect the home or visit for almost three years after the event and on inspection found the home to be compliant and good in every category."

Rating the service "good" for safety, effectiveness, care, responsiveness and leadership, the report shared residents' positive experiences.


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It said: "People spoke positively about the care they received and told us staff at Ganarew House were kind and caring. Relatives were pleased by the care people received. People told us they were supported by sufficient numbers of experienced and skilled staff, and they felt safe living at the home.

"The registered manager was taking forward other ideas and showed us their action plan. There were some risk-reducing measures in place for people which they had not been able to consent to, and the correct decision-making process had been followed."

Ganarew House cares for people aged 18 and over, some of whom live with dementia.