HUNDREDS of violent and sexual offences in Herefordshire were reported to West Mercia police in June, our interactive crime map can reveal.

Using data provided by , we have created a monthly crime map for the month of July, the most recent full month of data to be published by West Mercia Police.


The interactive map shows the location, type of offence, and the status of the current investigation, and users can see the colour-coded offences dotted around the county.

Readers can use our interactive map to see the specific streets and areas in the county where the offences occurred, or even check their own streets to see if crimes have been recorded there.


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The data shows that by far the most reported crime in the county were violent and sexual offences, with 414 crimes recorded, this is slightly slower than the previous data published for the month of June, with 436 offences recorded in the county.

Reports of antisocial behaviour in the county have also fallen slightly, with 187 crimes recorded compared to 194 in June.

The least reported crimes in the county in July were robbery, with three offences reported, and theft from a person, with only four offences recorded. This only differed slightly to June, with bicycle theft being one of the lowest reported crimes.