I GOT home from a shopping trip to Morrisons, Leominster, on Tuesday, September 10, to find my purse was missing !

I rarely use cash since Covid, so it generally stays in my handbag. I could not recall the last time I had used it.

However, with the vain hope I might unknowingly have mislaid it at Morrisons, I drove back up there just to be sure.


Imagine my delight when the security man told me that a purse HAD been handed in and it was with those at the kiosk!

As this Good Samaritan had not left their name, I have resorted to this channel in the hope that they may become aware of my gratitude.

It’s not just losing the money, but all those other thing that we stuff in our purses – store cards, stamps, library cards, keys, earrings (in my case) and other trivia that just makes life more of a hassle to be without.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

It gives me back faith in humankind to find honesty prevails on occasion (when the news is generally full of sad or bad tales!).

So I should like to send my heartfelt thanks for the kindness of my unknown saviour Wishing you every good wish and especially that you may reap what you sow – should a similar mishap befall you.

