IT is coming up to the time of year when I have to renew my prescription prepayment certificate.

About four years ago, I was diagnosed with severe high blood pressure. A barrage of tests later, and I was told that I have “essential hypertension” which, in layman’s terms, means I have it, but it is not caused by another medical condition and no one really knows why I have it.


I am in my 30s, eat a healthy diet, am of a healthy weight, and exercise daily, so the standard lines of “eat better, lose weight, exercise more” have not been of any help here.

All anyone can suggest is that I take medication twice a day to stop it from reaching dangerous levels, presumably for life.

Although this condition is no fault of my own, have to pay the standard prescription costs for these medications.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

But if I had another lifelong condition, diabetes, I would be entitled to apply for a medical exemption certificate.

According to the NHS website, “if you take diabetes medicine, you’re entitled to free prescriptions for all your medicines, including medicines for other conditions”.

Why the disparity in the way people with one condition are being treated from those with another? How many other people in Herefordshire are being penalised because they have the “wrong” health condition?

