This is a talking point published in the Hereford Times on September 19.

Rob Thomas, lead executive officer, Vennture

THE crisis in public finances is further diminishing Government’s capacity to address society’s needs.

When family needs go unmet, problems grow. Children are left hurting, and we accumulate even more costly problems for the future. The opportunity for business to step in and do good is growing.

Business can change lives– last century Cadbury’s chocolate business birthed the idea of ‘welfare’. The Cadburys employed their business acumen beyond the factory gates to redefine wellbeing and secure a better life for everyone. A century before, Hereford had its own Cadbury.

Imagine the frustration of graduating from a leading business school, travelling across the world to make your fortune and then catching a debilitating disease that undoes your dreams. Yet this tragedy transformed the plight of Hereford’s poor. Vennture’s founder, John Venn, put his business acumen to different use.

Britain’s first cooperatively owned steam mill, schools, allotments, public baths, a working boys residential college, social housing and so much more came from his local endeavour. Crisis can become opportunity.

Following their own personal crisis, a local business leader said to me: “There’s a point when you realise that success is more than profit– it’s really about legacy.”

So many business people appreciate it’s not just about the money you make, or the assets you own, it’s how you use them.

A man, who had everything, was told by Jesus, “One thing you lack.”


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Possessions and power and even exceptional morals we can have so much and yet deep-down feel that we are missing something.

We need a reset – giving what we can, thinking beyond the present and learning from someone who really and truly understands us?  We don’t need to be sad.

It’s hard to see a way through the national crisis yet businesses can avert local crisis. Engaging with you, your business and local schools we can strengthen local families and change the lives of children for the better. As Vennture, we make it simple and easy for you to exercise your social responsibility.