Noise from a Hereford nightclub is making life intolerable for neighbours, it has been claimed.

Trilogy, in the city’s Blue School Street, has applied to open from midday, and to change conditions on use of glassware in the adjoining Botanic bar until 1am.

The club is already licensed to serve alcohol and play music until 3.30am seven days a week.


But according to one anonymised objection made on behalf of residents in neighbouring Catherine Street and Catherine Court, which Herefordshire Council has accepted as relevant to the application, noise from the club is currently “intolerable”.

“The music is so loud at times that we can hear the lyrics of most songs, and the bass causes vibrations,” they said, adding it “prevents us from opening our windows in the evenings”.

The problem has been made worse by fire exit doors being “frequently left open, especially during themed events”, the residents said.

They also complained about rubbish stored in the car park to the rear of the club “spreading onto the road and into residential areas”, while staff entering and leaving from here are “inconsiderate, revving their cars, playing loud music, and shouting to each other”.

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Meanwhile the front of the venue “becomes highly congested, creating an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situation” alongside the main A438.

Herefordshire Council’s principal licensing officer has also objected to the club’s application, saying officers had observed that “over the weekend it was observed that the main entry at Trilogy was not used”.

The night club “is a higher risk premises than Botanic which is more of a cocktail bar”, they added.


The police’s licensing officer was concerned only that the club use plastic glasses apart from in the Botanic bar.

The venue’s agent agreed to restrict the use of glassware, which door staff would prevent customers from taking between Botanic and the night club.

But given the other concerns raised, the licensing application will be decided by the council’s licensing committee of councillors on October 1.

The nightclub was licenced as Play in 2021, before being transferred to the current operator Epic Bars (Hereford). It changed its name to Trilogy a year ago.