A HEREFORD doctor has been struck off the register after repeatedly saying 'porky sausages' to another doctor and accusing her of filling a kettle with 'dirty water'.

Dr Colathor Eshwari was originally handed a six-month suspension for misconduct by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in March 2023 after they heard that she had behaved inappropriately towards her flatmate, Dr A, while working at Hereford County Hospital on November 8, 2019.


She was handed a further second six-month suspension at a review hearing in September, and another six-month suspension in March this year.

The original tribunal heard from Dr A that Dr Eshwari refused to give her name, instead muttering "porky sausages" under her breath, before grabbing the kettle, which Dr A had filled with mineral water, and throwing it into the sink stating "don't make this kettle dirty with your dirty water".

Dr A said Dr Eshwari continued to repeat "porky sausages" in the corridor, which she said was a racial slur against Pakistani Muslims.


Dr Eshwari said she had been looking for sausages in the fridge and had muttered "where are the sausages" to herself, that she did not know where Dr A was from, and that she apologised for any "misconception" that Dr A may have come to.

She said that she had discarded the water from the kettle as she had seen Dr A filling it from a half-empty bottle and was concerned from a health and safety point of view.

The tribunal found the "porky sausages", and "dirty water" allegations proved and said they showed hostility based on race or religion.

A review hearing in September, which Dr Eshwari did not attend, heard that she had written a letter of apology, but said her apology did not go far enough, with a lack of reflection about why the offence occurred.

The tribunal concluded that Dr Eshwari's fitness to practice was still impaired by reason of misconduct, while a further hearing in March found that her insight, if anything "had gone backwards".

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And now a further hearing, held in September, has found that the only new evidence, a letter submitted in August, "does not contain what would be expected by the tribunal and GMC to demonstrate insight and remediation".

The tribunal heard Dr Eshwari had not analysed why her behaviour would be "wholly inappropriate" or upset others.

The tribunal directed to erase Dr Eshwari’s name from the medical register.