A SEWAGE treatment site in Herefordshire could be set to expand.

Plans to extend the Fromes Hill Sewage Treatment Works, off the A4103 at Fromes Hill, have been submitted to Herefordshire Council by Severn Trent Water Limited.


A planning, design and access statement submitted with the application said the proposed development would include a new reed bed and pipework, a washwater pumping station, a motor control centre kiosk, collection and overflow chambers, and a new access road.

Existing assets including reed bed infrastructure will be decommissioned as part of the development, while  a storm overflow chamber will be demolished and covered with concrete hardstanding.

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The statement said the scheme is required to meet the needs of a rising population in the catchment, with a new housing development to be built in Fromes Hill.

The current treatment works, it said, is "not suitably sized" to cope with the expected increase in the local population.

It also said there is insufficient space in the existing site boundary, which means it is necessary to extend the boundaries of the site and increase treatment capacity.

Any comments must be submitted to Herefordshire Council by October 17, with a target determination date of December 4.