Neighbours of a Hereford restaurant have expressed alarm at its bid to sell alcohol until 2am seven days a week.

Bridge Thai Street Food of 7 Bridge Street, between the city’s cathedral and the Old Bridge, said it wanted to “enhance the dining experience” by offering alcohol to eat-in and takeaway customers till late.

But four nearby residents, their names redacted, have voiced objections to the bid on the basis of the likely disturbance this would cause, in what were deemed relevant responses to the restaurant’s bid.


It would “attract all the late night drinkers to loiter and create noise and nuisance along this now residential and office area”, one said.

“Isn’t the aim of Herefordshire to attract more city-centre residents?” they added.

Another wrote: “The establishment already has their customers sitting on the front steps, which blocks the entrance to my flat, and there is always damage to my front door, empty drink bottles, people being sick and the music is already a problem.”

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No objections were submitted by police or council environmental health officers.

But given the public opposition to the bid, it has been passes to Herefordshire Council’s licensing subcommittee of councillors to decide it on Tuesday October 1.

Conditions covering staff training, record keeping, deliveries and use of CCTV at the premises have already been agreed with the applicant, Can Be The One Ltd.