KINGTON’S bus services are surely diabolical. And that’s when the scheduled services do run, let alone when they are cancelled without announcement, which was my experience with the 461 to Hereford this week.


Sargeants cannot recruit bus drivers, apparently. Last buses depart around 5pm to 6pm. How do youngsters, anyone who doesn’t drive, cannot drive, or is connecting with a train, get around? On Sundays, just three services each way to Hereford.

On August Bank Holiday, all services cancelled.

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Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Talking about trains, after around 3pm none of the Kington services connect sensibly with London services from Hereford - does not anybody responsible for transport services consider issues of public transport coordination?

Also, what about connections from Kington to Leominster, Ludlow or Hay-on-Wye? None of these routes are provided for.

