An opponent of Hereford’s planned bypass has won a local election in a ward that the controversial new road would pass through.

Charlotte “Charlie” Taylor topped the poll for Independents for Herefordshire (i4H) in Credenhill ward, which occupies land north of the river Wye immediately to the east of Hereford.

The election on September 26 followed the death in the summer of its former representative and True Independents leader on the county council Coun Bob Matthews.


“Current plans for large-scale development and for unworkable transport solutions for the city will have a devastating impact on the daily lives of all residents and will change the ward forever,” Ms Taylor said on her election flyer distributed in the ward.

Elections in May last year brought the Conservatives back into power in Herefordshire, supported by the Liberal Democrats on a promise to reinstate the western bypass and river Wye crossing proposal which the previous i4H/Green administration cancelled in 2021.

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Ms Taylor called instead for a second river crossing to the east of the city – a plan which the current administration has distanced itself from – and for “improved walking/cycling/public transport options for modern city living”.

She also said that “lazy and damaging” housing plans for neighbouring Three Elms, for Lower Bullingham to the south of the city and elsewhere should be “reined back… while we properly tackle the serious flood risks and water management issues already facing all these areas”.


The full result of the Credenhill ward byelection, in what proved to be a poor result for the mainstream parties, was:

  • Charlotte Taylor (Independent): 201 votes
  • Mike Jones (Independent): 150
  • Gareth Johnson (Conservative): 108
  • Brian Evans (Reform UK): 89
  • Debbie Hobbs (Liberal Democrats): 27
  • Mike Crofts (Labour): 19

Turnout was just 22 per cent, down sharply on the 36 per cent who turned out to elect Coun Matthews in May last year, when Ms Taylor came fourth.

A further byelection in Bishops Frome and Cradley ward in the northeast of the county, to replace newly elected Green MP Ellie Chowns, is scheduled for November 4.