Nobody likes doing their dishes and laundry but there is actually a time of day that could save you energy and money too.

From cooking dinner for the family to hoovering the house, we spend so much of our lives doing chores.

In fact, do you know how many hours we spend during chores in their lifetime?

Apparently, the average Brit spends more than 2,000 days cooking, cleaning and completing other chores throughout their lives, according to a study from Ideal Home.

The most time-consuming of which is cooking which we roughly spend 253 minutes per week in the kitchen doing.

That’s the equivalent of 219 hours per year, or 439 days throughout your lifetime.

Although these chores can take up a lot of our time, they shouldn't cost us an unnecessary amount of money.

With this in mind, there are some ways we could make these chores work for us by timing them correctly.

Andrai Carcu, an electrician at London Electricians 247, has revealed that you could actually be saving money if you do these tasks at the right time with potential savings of up to £75.

Andrai has explained the best times and days to do your weekly chores so you can mix up your routine and save yourself some money.


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What time of day is the cheapest to use your washing machine?

The electrician recommends doing your laundry early in the morning or in the late evening.

Andrai elaborated: "Run your washing machine and dryer during off-peak hours when electricity rates may be lower. 

"Running these appliances during off-peak hours could save around £10 to £20 annually."

What time is the cheapest to use the dishwasher?

Andrai suggested using the dishwasher in the evening or at night time.

The expert explained that: "Similar to laundry, running your dishwasher during off-peak hours can help save on energy costs.

"Running these appliances during off-peak hours could save around £10 to £20 annually."

What time should I cook dinner?

Late evening on weekdays is the best time to cook your dinner to save yourself money.

The electrician urged people to consider using smaller appliances like microwaves and slow cookers, which are more energy-efficient.

Andrai pointed out that cooking during off-peak hours and using energy-efficient appliances may result in savings of approximately £8 to £12 per year.

What is the best time to charge your phone and other devices?

To optimise your energy consumption, you should charge your electronic devices in the evening or at night.

The pro said: "Charging devices during off-peak hours might lead to a small but noticeable reduction, perhaps around £2 to £3 annually."

When should I use my lights in my house?

The electrician said that you should take advantage of natural daylight during the day and only turn your lights on in the evening.

Andrai also recommended using energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs and turning off lights in unoccupied rooms.

"Utilising natural daylight and energy-efficient lighting can contribute to about £5 to £10 in savings on lighting expenses annually," the pro commented.

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What are the best times to hoover and clean?

Cleaning during the day means that you can use natural daylight to reduce the need for artificial lighting whilst doing chores.

The electrician added that cleaning during daylight hours may also boost your energy and focus.

Andrai concluded: "Reducing the use of artificial lighting during cleaning and performing tasks during daylight hours might lead to a £3 to £5 reduction in related energy costs annually.”