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A PENSIONER was seen swerving around on a Herefordshire road while more than twice the drink-drive limit.

Margaret Street, 68, almost hit a lorry on the A40 near Ross-on-Wye as she drove to a Hereford hotel while drinking from a bottle of gin.

She was said to be swerving around, speeding up and suddenly braking on the dual carriageway on her way to Holme Lacy House, a Warner Hotel near Hereford.

Prosecutor Camila Toscano described the moment, on February 28, when Street was spotted by another driver, who called the police. The driver pulled in front of Street on the dual carriageway and she stalled. He then waited with her for the police to arrive.

Police found a bottle of gin in the passenger side of the car, as well as a water bottle containing some of the alcohol in the cupholder. 

Street was taken to A&E via a custody ambulance where blood tests revealed she had 181 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath, exceeding the limit of 80 milligrammes.

Officers discovered that Street had left her home in Novers Park Road, Bristol, and bought gin from Aldi to drink in the hotel, but ended up drinking it while driving.

Street tearfully admitted drink-driving when she appeared in court last month, saying she regretted the incident and was sorry. The court heard that her husband died last year and that she had not been coping well.


In mitigation, defence solicitor Matt Lewis said: "Street was very open and honest with police in her interview.

"She has given up her motor vehicle already and has decided she no longer wishes to drive. She has not driven since the incident.

"This incident has had a serious impact on her. She does not have an addiction to alcohol and is thoroughly ashamed.

"She was travelling to the Warner Hotel in Holme Lacy and had previously been there with her partner. This made her upset.

"It is fortunate that no accident was caused and no harm was caused to any other people."

Street was banned from driving for 18 months and fined £204. She must also pay court costs of £85 and an £82 victim surcharge.

She has been given the opportunity to complete a drink-drive rehabilitation course which would reduce her ban by 18 weeks.