THE decision to withdraw the winter fuel allowance from a vulnerable section of pensioners is vindictive and the act of bullies. It is ill-conceived and plainly unfair.

Whilst there is a case for its removal for the most wealthy of pensioners, the threshold income for this has been set at far too low a level. This decision could also be considered as vindictive, because it targets a relatively small cohort of needy pensioners with incomes in the range ‘state pension to comfortable’.


Could this be because they were more likely to vote Conservative at the last general election? Who knows, but maybe.

This decision is also callous because the policy has shown no remorse, just some muted mutterings about the triple lock being of some help. The triple lock is to pay for all the other things that have increased greatly in pensioners’ lives.

The status quo is for the triple lock and the winter fuel allowance to both exist. It is unfair because it applies to such a small proportion of people that have been singled out, who have little influence, and no collective voice. A fair change in taxation would place the burden more evenly throughout society, not just on such a small group.

It is also unfair because it is to be implemented before those affected have had time to make rearrangements of their often fragile financial affairs, and just before the time of year when heating is most needed.

What are your thoughts?

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Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The decision, as has been admitted, has not been fully thought through. The small section of society that has been chosen for this measure is ill equipped to defend itself, unlike the wealthy train drivers who can withdraw their services at will. The winter fuel allowance benefit is of great value at a time of year when Christmas is approaching and when the oil tank may need replenishing to cover the coldest months of January and February.

It is of particular value to the ‘just managing’. It is a shame that a socialist government that would claim the heartbeat of our society has behaved in this callous way. It won’t be forgotten.

Scrooge has returned. Where is Marley’s ghost when you need it?!

