WHEN will we ever see the end of this rain?

I’m sure there must have been sunny days, but it feels like we’ve had a month of nothing but rain, rain and more rain.

Not only is this frankly miserable, but it is making driving anywhere a bit of a nightmare, with huge pools gathering on the roads across Herefordshire, hiding goodness knows what under the water.


Inconsiderate drivers are making this worse, splashing through the puddles and sending tidal waves over the windscreens of oncoming cars.

But there is a solution that could banish many of these pools from our roads... proper cleaning of the drains!

I’m sure we have all noticed clogged drains when out and about in Herefordshire. I know that it must be a constant task to keep them all clear, but whatever is being done is nowhere near enough.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Take, for example, the drain on the crossroads at Newtown. There is often a huge puddle, stretching most of the way across one of the lanes, above this drain. This suggests to me that there is a clear problem... and has been for some considerable time.

But how (and how frequently) are the drains actually checked?

Perhaps those responsible should make heading out on rainy days to see which drains are functioning and which are not a priority, as the problem is easily seen then.

