Five new homes are to be built in the garden of a house near Herefordshire’s border with Wales.

Mr W and Mrs L Price of the detached Victorian villa of Dan-y-Garth, Cusop near Hay-on-Wye applied in May for permission for one two-bedroom and four three-bedroom houses on an adjoining paddock.

Their previous application for outline permission for six houses on the site was approved in 2021, and has now been varied.


Giving onto a new short cul-de-sac off the B4348 Hardwicke Road, the now five detached houses are to be finished in stone and light grey render, with solar panels on their pitched slate roofs.

Cusop Parish Council said it was “not able to make a judgment” on the proposal given discrepancies between it and the agreed outline plan for the site.

John Gibson of the village said the proposal “will provide urgently needed housing”.


And neighbour Margaret Wesley asked that the site continue to provide “a safe highway” for hedgehogs, which “use all the gardens and fields near us”.

Herefordshire Council planning officers concluded the proposed homes “are of a good standard of design and respond well to the local context”.

The reserved matters application was granted, subject to approval of a suitable landscape scheme.