WITH regards to Stoke Lacy traffic, there are three places of concern (Why your trip on this Hereford A-road could soon be a LOT slower, October 7).

The first is the Bredenbury turn on a bend and opposite a road whose junction cannot be signed because a legal dispute prevents it being adopted. It is at the end of a straight past the Woodland View estate, where I have never seen a speed camera in seven years, and on which very high speeds are often observable.


Secondly the bend and junction by the church and thirdly the junction to Little Cowarne.

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There are hardly any pedestrians in Stoke Lacy. Speed limits are anti commercial and should be minimised, but cannot be eliminated. I suggest 30 mph at the Bredenbury turn and by the church and traffic lights at the Little Cowarne turn, where a high speed collision between a car desperate to overtake and another emerging from one of the side roads is inevitable.

A couple more stretches of three lane between Stoke Lacy and Hereford would reduce the desperation, but that is unlikely.


Stoke Lacy