Plans have been put forward to turn three barns into seven homes at a Herefordshire farm which has a major plan in the works.

A Mr N Layton is seeking confirmation (application 242252) that he can go ahead with the conversion plan at Whitwick Manor, Lower Eggleton without full planning permission.

Permission has already been granted to demolish two Dutch barns adjoining the two nineteenth-century barns to be kept, and creating space for a courtyard between them.


These would each contain one three-bedroom house, while a separate modern, steel portal-framed barn would be converted into five two-storey homes, also each of three bedrooms.

The application claims the scheme fits under what are known as permitted development rights, given that the buildings were in prior agricultural use, the changes amount to conversions, and there are no issues with contamination, flooding, noise of access.

Herefordshire Council has set itself a target date of October 28 to decide on the plan.

The farm has attracted controversy over a separate scheme, which has yet to receive planning permission, to create a large anaerobic digester (AD) plant which would uses local chicken waste as a feedstock.