A PETITION has been started by Herefordshire residents, in a bid to stop the council from spending money on a weather forecasting service.

The petition, which began on change.org,  currently has 838 signatures. The petition argues that the council does not need to spend extra funds on the forecasting service,  due to most people having "accurate apps" on their smartphones.

"this expenditure is an utter waste of Herefordshire resident's money and this money could be spent so much more wisely elsewhere.

"There are also 11 weather stations in Herefordshire.

"This decision affects everyone who lives in Herefordshire and cannot be allowed to go ahead. Make your voice heard and sign this petition to try and make them see sense".



Herefordshire Council previously stated in its official notice that it is seeking a provider of “a high quality, cost-effective weather forecasting service to support the delivery of the council’s winter service plan” and that it is tendering for a £170,000 contract for weather forecasting. 

It explained that the appointed contractor will use the council’s existing weather stations and sensors alongside its own resources. The contract is to run for three years with an option to extend for up to six months.

The council’s head of highways and traffic Ed Bradford previously explained that its weather forecasting system is “not comparable to forecasts available to all via the media”.

“Highway authorities across the country use an industry-specific weather forecasting service to provide targeted weather information which promotes safety for highway users across the county, and helps with the cost-effective provision of winter maintenance,” he explained.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Mr Bradford added that a key purpose of the service is to ensure that council gritters spread the grit on the county's roads only when necessary,  based on several updates each day between October and the end of March.

He added that the council had run this service for "many years" and is simply seeking to secure "an efficient and effective replacement service" at the best possible value for money.