This is a reader's letter published in the Hereford Times on October 31.

Marcia Hopkins, Withington

I am sad at the bad press that Hereford Medical Group is getting. 

Now 83 and a qualified nurse from long ago, I recognise the amazing leaps in technology that have totally changed the treatments now available. 

My husband is now undergoing his fourth treatment for cancer which was diagnosed in the first instance by a nurse practitioner. 


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I briefly worked in a small GP practice in the 1980s, no technology then. Patients’ demands to be to be seen by a doctor immediately, however, were exactly the same! 

I am very sorry to hear that so many receptionists have left, it is a thankless job (Abuse takes toll on surgery staff, October 24). 

May I respectfully make suggestions? Your reception area is huge, so why therefore is the space allowed for the receptionists to talk to patients in so cramped, dark and mean-looking? Also, would it possible to have a walking well area with an opportunity for the anxious to talk with a nurse practitioner who could refer on if and when necessary?