This is a reader's letter published in the Hereford Times on October 31.

Mr John, St Weonards

A contract has been placed for consultants to consider parking in the country bus station. Yet another report focused on one small aspect of the overall public infrastructure of Hereford. Perhaps plans will eventually unfold with section 106s, but will they be enforced? 

Back in 2009 I recall many meetings for a ‘relief’ road in front of the station; so that the crossing of Newmarket Street between the city centre and the new Old Market was made easier and safer.


What are your thoughts?

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Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The planning for the Old Market was dependent on the opening of the new relief road AND the removal of pedestrian crossing lights and the reduction to just two lanes of Newmarket and Blueschool Streets. Why has that not happened? 

I have been in touch with Councillor Durkin and Councillor Bramer, who was closely involved at the time, reminding them of this obligation but to no avail. Another example of Hereford’s inability to see through planning obligations. It’s easier to commission another report than to pay attention to day to day administration.

Do readers agree that this obligation really should be enacted upon? The design of the new road is another matter but don’t let’s get distracted upon that!