Reassurances have been offered the Hereford is a safe place for a night out, after a second alleged rape within four months was reported on a lane immediately north of the city’s cathedral.

Dean of Hereford the Very Revd Sarah Brown said: “We were all deeply saddened to hear about the incident on the Cathedral Close on Sunday morning.

“Our prayers are with all of those affected by the incident and we would be very happy to extend any pastoral support or offer prayers in support of anyone troubled by this.”


She pointed out there is already “extensive” CCTV coverage of Cathedral Close, adding: “We will continue to work with the local authorities and police to ensure that we are doing all that we can to ensure visitors to the Close remain safe after dark.”

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Robert Thomas, lead executive of Hereford social charity Vennture whose street pastor scheme promotes safety in the city at night, said that despite his group’s and others’ efforts, “if someone is determined to a bad thing, they will plan it and will pick their time and place”.

“There have been more street pastors and additional police street patrols in recent months – so there is a visible presence at night serving as a deterrent,” he said.


As well as helping those worse for wear get home safely, Vennture’s street pastors will also keep an eye on individuals approaching people late at night, working with venues’ door staff to spot problems, he said.

“Hereford is a very safe place. But occasionally there will be people determined to hurt others,” he added.

He main advice to ensure a safe night out is “to stick together with friends on the way home, and avoid strangers – that could be someone you’ve met on the night who might not be all they seem”.