A little bit of snow and schools in Herefordshire decided to close!

I live in the Bromyard area, which was probably one of the worst-hit on Tuesday. I still managed to get into Hereford for a morning appointment, despite some very snowy roads. All I did was drive a bit slower than normal!


Schools seem all too happy to close at the drop of a hat these days, although this time it was only a handful. Was it really necessary for them to close, though? The really rural schools, which are the ones I would expect to close, stayed open, and yet Leominster’s high school was one of those closed. Surely, the roads around Leominster weren’t worse than those in the real sticks?

I know teachers have to drive in too, and often that is a fair enough reason to close a school – when floods hit and roads become impassable, for example.

But with the level of snow we had, surely all that was needed was to set off a little earlier than usual and drive with caution.

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I note that Bromyard’s schools also managed to stay open.

Closing schools makes life so difficult for many parents, who are still expected to drive in to work despite the weather.

Really cold countries seem to manage, so I don’t see why we can’t.

