Patriotism. It’s something different to everyone. Americans are very patriotic and are into big gestures and over the top emotions. (Something I expect gives cause most Brits to think we are all totally barking mad.) But then Americans don’t understand the ‘stiff upper lip’ that the Brits are so proud of, so I guess that makes us even.

Sometimes it seems to me that certain events are planned in such a manner to deliberately put a tear in your eye. Like maybe there is a ‘emotion meter’ at the scene and the event is judged a success by the number of tears that fall or how big the lump in throat is.

In the past 4 ½ years I’ve lived in Hereford soaking up the culture, the politics, the way things are done. That said, I am still an American and while I do look at my home country from an entirely different perspective now; that does not take away my desire to place my hand over my heart when I hear the Star Spangled Banner or to sing along to God Save the Queen which is written to different words in America, (My Country Tis of Thee.)

I suppose I am rambling on about this because this week in my business dealings with other Red Hat Society chapters, I’ve had someone deliberately albeit not maliciously (I think) poke fun at my fellow countrymen’s patriotic leanings. I took offence in a rather big way but did not call her out on it because it would serve no purpose in telling her that she offended me with her remarks. As I pondered over her comments, okay – boiled if you want the truth, it occurred to me that I’ve tried to be a good guest in this country for that’s all I will ever be is a guest. I do not comment on politics, I do not run down the Royal family, and while the NHS isn’t the best it could be, I do not openly complain about its workings. Religion is a no go topic for me because I think everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and patriotism or lack there of is also totally up to the individual. I do not know why this woman felt it necessary to take pot shots and my countrymen and their need to pledge their allegiance to God and country. In a way I feel sorry for her. She spouts off about a country she’s never ever visited and has all Americans painted with the same brush. Thank you for letting me vent, now maybe I can stop thinking about this narrow minded person who comes out on top for every minute I waste thinking about her.

I told you last time I blogged that there were big changes afoot in our household. I didn’t want to share them until I’d told the people who would be affected by it. Wednesday this week we had a planning meeting for the Red Hat Society and I shared my news with them so now I am free to talk about it here.

My husband is ready to retire from the rat race. He is tired of the winters here, the long drive into Cardiff every day and working in general. We have homes both in America and here. Our intention was to spend part of the year after retirement in each location. You know what they say about good intentions. . .anyway, we’ve done the sums, juggled the savings account and cheque accounts until they are drunk from the ride and we’ve come to the conclusion that we can live better on less money if we move to our home in Florida.

This has been in the works for quite some time. My husband applied for his green card through the embassy in London some months ago and it looks like when we go for our interview next month that this will be the last step towards moving. I think homeland security is overly cautious on who gets in to stay because it’s taken months to get to a visa going in to America and my coming here took only 45 minutes.

We listed our house for sale the 2nd week of May and within 10 days had a solid offer on it. Now the work begins. Furniture to distribute, personal effects to sort and pack, the dog has to be made ready and get his pet passport to go with us.

I tell you all of this with mixed feelings. Were it not for the lack of friends during the early years of my stay here I would happily say that living in England has been one of the high points of my otherwise very dull life. I am in hopes that we will return often to visit and I will get to visit with my Red Hat lady friends. Today’s technology allows us to be as close as an email away.

I don’t know if the Hereford Times will want me to continue blogging, if not, I’ve loved every minute of it. If so, I’d love to continue to share from Florida. Meanwhile we will still be in England until the middle of October so I will keep you posted on events as they happen.

The Red Hat Chapter of the Wye’s Women of Hereford will continue on with a new leader. I hope it continues to grow and mature as it provides a wonderful outlet for woman over 50 to get out and enjoy each other’s company while having a bit of fun.

On closing, when I started blogging, a lovely lady contacted me after she read about the Red Hat Society in the Hereford Times. She’s a native Herefordian who lives in Greece. We’ve formed a friendship of sorts and her letters have often made me smile on a day when I didn’t feel much like smiling. So I have to dedicate this blog to Sarah. She’s coming home this week to visit her family and I am hoping to get to meet her face to face for the first time. I lift my glass of white zin to Sarah and all my Red Hat ladies and say thank you for making my life, fuller and richer as well as a heck of a lot more fun.