Yesterday as you will know "The 3 Mad Ladies" hit Hereford again in full costume fundraising.

Well for just over an hour l had myself a little volunteer fairy!! Sue and Fliss had gone for a walk around town to stretch their legs, let people know we were around again and collect a few more of their donations.

l was standing at the table outside City Snax Cafe, a family were having coffee at one of the outside tables, and they had a pretty little blue eyed blonde girl all of about 4yrs old with them.
Her mum gave me a donation, so l knelt down and was talking to the little girl 'summer' and letting her play with my wand. Well of course she wanted to keep it but l explained that as a fairy l couldn't do my magic if l didn't have my wand - she didn't sulk or tantrum though just asked politely if she could have it. So l gave her my spare wand a plain fluffy one that doesn't change colour or sing like mine. She was over moon and sat there waving it around and pretending to be a fairy.
l asked her to wish the big black rain cloud away and she started singing "Rain, Rain go away"!

Anyway l was stood there saying "Morning" to people to try and catch their eye, and all of a sudden l realised there is this little voice next to me calling out She"Morning!", "come on give her some money"!!! she was sooo cute! and it worked! loads of grannies came over and gave her their change for her to put in my bucket. Everyso often she'd press the button on my wand for it to sing "I'm a barbie girl!" and she'd have a little dance then turn it off and say "that's enough of that".

Eventually her parents decided they had to go, and slightly reluctantly Summer agreed to, l gave her two little bead bracelets my son Tom had made but were a little on the small side - perfect for her. She was really pleased and went off happily waving her wand.

That young lady is definately going to grow up to be a saleswoman - she was a natural. A charming little lady.

So if anyone out there knows a little blonde haired blue eyed girl of the name of Summer, who's parents visit the City Snax Cafe in Hereford please Thank her So much for helping and l hope she makes many happy wishes.

From the Mad Fairy