Hello Folks

We were on the loose again last night!
We invaded Gala Bingo on Berrington Street, Hereford, during their evening session interval.

The caller announced we would be collecting before they played the last game in the session, and we walked around during the interval. Boy do they take it seriously! we had to be deadly quiet, the players had put their donations - ranging from coppers to pound coins on the ends of the tables ready for us. We had to be careful not to disturb their concentration!

We did well again and made £80, so THANK YOU to all the players their last night.

This brings the approx total all three of us have raised so far to around the £1,500 mark all for cancer research.

I would like to say lots of special thanks to all those who helped us get this far with raising awareness in the public eye for race for life (cancer research uk), without their help we wouldn't have raised the cash that we have. For starters big big thanks to James Hunt and Linda Strange at the Newport Office for Cancer Research, they've seen to all the paperwork/badges/insurance etc etc so as we were able to go out there and do this thing!!

Secondly Maylord Orchards management - they;ve been stars, we had a table set out for us and 3 comfortable chairs too - with regular chats throughout the day!!

Next - Ann at City Snax cafe, she helped us set up our table for the day with her, made us a poster for the window of her shop, lent us 2 tablecloths, donated a pink bunny for the charity and gave us all drinks!! Thanks Ann very much indeed.

Mike - the Gala Bingo manager, he was so accommodating, he let us go in on an afternoon session to collect coins then again Sunday evening, one of their busiest nights, thank you.

A special thanks too, although we've not actually done the session, goes to the cinema in Hereford - Sue who has organised it for us to go in this week, has been especially helpful, even to the point of getting some donations for us from her husbands skittle team!! We will see her and the staff on Friday 29th.

Followed by a big thank you to Chris Hodgkinson of Morrisons who has said we can join them on 8th July - a Thursday to help bag pack and collect donations from customers in their store.

So all in all Hereford employers/business people have been really gone to town with their support for us it is fantastic a