3 Mad Girlies on the Loose again!!!!! - and one boy!

Yesterday we where at the CINEMA!! in Hereford didnt get to see any films though!
Su the boss there and her staff were brilliant - let us take over their staff room for day so we could keep our stuff and if we wanted to go out in breaks between films could leave buckets and bags safe and put our jeans etc back on quick. really good.
We had full run of the building.

We were changed and started at 11 am stood on steps, chatting to everyone as they came in - was flashing wand about and having laugh that id torment them with its barbie girl song if they didnt donate, they all though it great and were in really great moods giving me as much stick back! especially the blokes and they all paid up brilliant.

95% of people coming through pictures donated to one of the 3 of us - great odds.

In the run up to the films it sometimes took a while for people to arrive - so we stood on the front steps, and loads of passersby stopped to talk to us and donate - we didnt wander from small patch directly infront of cinema - well only into road in front!

There was a traffic hold up at lights which left cars etc queued right in front of us - terrific - next thing we know an ambulance in queue had window open with an arm out with some change - then another one behind - wanted to know how much the 1st gave and you could hear a banter going on between them on their radio's and the 2nd chucked some in the bucket, then a van driver in queue beeped his horn and threw some in, in end a good dozen vehicles in line had windows open and arms out for the 3 of us!it only happened the once but it was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

Oh! we even caught 2 traffic wardens (there is justice in the world ha) and two policewomen who stood and had a laugh with us for a few minutes.

We'd stand on steps and wave at cars passing by and the people on the buses and that worked in our favour at times as some of the people arriving on the buses we'd waved to came the long way round the building just so they could drop money in.
I'd got my blue CR tee on and would point at the writing to those in cars/buses knew what we were collecting for and quite a few came to us after parking. We had tears in our eyes a few times with some of their stories. very humbling.

Between one of the showings l dashed back to Bromyard to fetch Tom, dressing in his 'puss in boots' outfit complete with tail.
He was a bit shy at first but soon got in the mood and was waving his tail about and telling people they could stroke it (its really soft) and his furry tummy patch or press the noise button on his sword - yes more noises - for a donation and being generally cute - it worked wonders.
He even got into character at one point. Thoroughly enjoyed himself and now wants to do morrisons with us.

We stayed until final showing went in at just after 8 pm, (did have a few breaks they let us sit with drinks in staff room but changed went to w.spoons for lunch).

We made £175.32!!!
I've made handwritten thank you cards for each of the venues so far and our Sue dropped hers in for me today, they want a copy of picture too so l will get that sorted for her.

SO that means drum roll please !!!!!!!!

My total so far is £603.29

Sue's is £599.84

and Fliss's £564.85

Grand total so far heading Cancer Research's way is = £1,767.98 !!! and two more venues + pledges to go - weyhey!