PLANS to improve rapids and habitats in the River Wye at Symonds Yat have been given the go-ahead by Herefordshire Council.

The proposals were submitted by the British Canoe Association and concerned an island and rapids on the river immediately south of Symonds Yat East.

Temporary barriers will be built from materials pulled from the riverbank and permanent limestone groynes will be installed to enhance and conserve the rapids, stabilise the island and cut erosion.

It is also planned that equipment and additional materials would be brought through the forest to the site so there would be no impact on Herefordshire roads.

Natural England and the Environment Agency had no objection and Sport England supported the plans.

Herefordshire Council’s county archaeologist said the works could help conserve the historic remains of a weir and iron-working complex from further erosion.

However, concerns were expressed by the public about an increased flood risk and additional canoeists causing traffic that harmed the area of outstanding natural beauty.

But councillors sided with the applicants and approved the rapids’ improvement scheme.