COFFEE MORNING - At Rosllwyn today (Thursday) from 10am to 12.30pm, at a lovely garden which borders the Dulas Brook, there will be plenty of stalls to browse. If it is wet, it will be held at the same time, but in St Michael’s Hall instead.

PRIMARY SCHOOL - Our three teams all reached their respective semi-finals in the tag rugby tournament incorporating 22 schools from Herefordshire, South Shropshire and Powys, and due to their fantastic polite and sporting conduct they won the fair play trophy. Well done all the players! Class 5 is looking forward to a visit to Barton Farm this afternoon. Monday, May 19, is the start of Creative Learning Week. On Monday we will be exploring the planets, on Tuesday, green tomatoes, on Wednesday, learning to Mexican dance, on Thursday, to stomp, and on Friday, there will be sports and a teddy bears’ picnic. We are looking for any large sections of plain material/sheets/duvets that can be used for painting during Creative Learning Week.

WALKERS - On Saturday, May 17, the route will be in the Pengethley/Hoarwithy area, a distance of about eight miles. Meet at the Memorial Hall at 10am.

BENEFICE PRAYER GROUP - This group meets at noon on the third Tuesday of the month, the next one being May 20, at the rectory, and lasting for about 45 minutes.

ST MICHAEL’S MUMS AND TOTS - Toddlers, babies and their mums, dads and carers are warmly invited between 9am and 11am. Toys, books, crafts, and refreshments are provided. The cost is £1.50 per session every Wednesday during term time.