RESIDENTS upset about a proposed wind farm on the Welsh border have protested on the foothills of the planned site.

The Stonewall Hill and Reeves Hill Conservation Group, chaired by Doctor Stephen Hugh-Jones, held banners and placards to passing motorists on Stonewall Hill, near Lingen, Presteigne.

The group says the four planned wind turbines will be an eyesore affecting tourism, reducing house prices and affecting the health of nearby residents.

Dr Hugh-Jones said: “The turbines will be around 105 metres high, and are very noisy. We are not against renewable energy, but onshore turbines will not stop global warming. If the government wants to put up wind farms, offshore would be the best place because of the reliability of the wind. The damage that will be caused by them in this area is grossly disproportionate to their economic benefit.”

The group fears few people are aware of the planned scheme, adding it hopes the developers will fly blimps over the Stonewall and Reeves Hill area to allow residents to see for themselves what the wind farm could look like.

Dr Hugh-Jones says planners at Herefordshire Council have registered the application, and they are now entering a three week stage where objections can be submitted.

The proposals have been made by Bolsterstone Plc and Marches Green Energy.

They estimate the farm could provide renewable energy to power up to 7,326 homes, producing electricity for 25 years.

More information on the wind farm proposal is available at